Catch A Fish: Fishing with an Old iPhone – Viral Rang

Well, this is weird – “fishermen” in south-west Australia discovered that iPhones are as good at baiting fish as they are humans. Leave it to the Aussies to find a new and unusual way to bait a hook. The 11-pound fish was released after it chomped down on a shiny, defunct iPhone outfitted with …

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10 Foods That Are Most Nutritious When Eaten Raw!

Discover 10 Foods That Are Most Nutritious When Eaten Raw! Did you know that many foods provide you with more nutrition when eaten raw than they do when they are cooked? Yes, you heard it right. According to research, eating these raw foods contains high level of nutrition compared to the cooked foods…

How to Improve Your Energy Levels With the Right Diet – Viral Rang

Wouldn’t life just be a lot better if you had more energy?
Serious – low energy is probably responsible for a huge proportion of our problems! It’s low energy that makes it hard to wake up in the morning; it’s low energy that makes us not want to exercise, and it’s low energy that prevents us from performing our best or enjoying life.
The problem is that it takes energy to start changing your lifestyle and to do things like exercise more or sleep better to improve your energy… so where do you begin? The answer is simple: you begin with your diet!

5 Reasons to Honeymoon in Paris France

Honeymoon in Paris is a different thing, Are you searching for the perfect honeymoon destination? If you are, you will be pleased with your options. Many destinations around the world are perfect for honeymoons and romantic getaways. With that said, a good percentage of your focus should be placed on Paris France. Why? Continue reading on to find out.

5 Must Visit Paris Attractions for Families – Viral Rang

Are you in the process of planning a family vacation to Paris France? Although Paris is often referred to as the city for lovers, it is also a great destination for family vacations. Why? Because many attractions are appropriate for individuals of all ages. However, if you are travelling with small children, check out some of the great Paris France attractions outlined below.