Carpooling Tips for Saving Time and Money

Carpooling is a great way to save money, save time and reduce your carbon footprint. Successful carpooling does involve quite a bit of coordination to make sure everyone gets picked up and dropped off at the right place, people are compensated and everyone is happy with the arrangement.

Here are a few tips for successful carpooling.

Essential Steps for Women's Balanced Nutrition

As a general rule women require less food to maintain a healthy balanced diet than men. The exception is salt and fiber intake, which should be the same for men and women.

Here are some easy ways to help you measure out how big meal portions of everything you should have as a woman.

Fun Inexpensive Gift Ideas

Inexpensive gift ideas, an article with tips on making quality, personal gifts at home. Some suggestions include a hand-bound journal, beaded jewelry, and photo frames.

How easy is it to walk into a department store, pick up an impersonal gift, wrap it, and give it? Well, it can be just as easy and sometimes less expensive to give a gift from the heart. Do you know what your gift recipient likes? With the aid of a computer and/or the local arts & crafts store, it’s simple to create gifts that are appreciated for their individuality. A one-of-a-kind gift can mean so much more than something store-bought can. So here are some ideas for creating gifts your family and friends will be proud to show off.