Why is Having a Girls’ Night Out Once in a While Important?

girls night

There has been a lot of talk about girl power, and feminism in the last few years. And, girls of all ages have learned to stick up for themselves and do something for their own well-being. We have all had girls’ night outs, but did you know that it is actually good for you? If you didn’t, here are some reasons why you should do it even more often.

girls night


Being yourself

Now, don’t get us wrong, we are sure that you can be yourself around your family, your boyfriend, or husband. However, being around someone who understands you on a different, more personal, level is another thing. You don’t have to be afraid that you are too girly, or not girly, there will be no one to judge you about drinking beer, or being messy, or talking about sex freely and openly. And although we should act a certain way around different people, it’s nice to know you are accepted somewhere for what you are. Growing self-esteem and curing loneliness are other strong reasons to have solid friendships with other women.

girls lough


Getting connected

Another thing that is totally different when you are alone with your gals is the connection. Women understand women better and being able to connect with them based on their shared experiences, similar ideas and interests make you happier, more optimistic and positive. Even if the things you need to talk about are a bit tough and gloomy, it’s how you make friends for life, and how you realize there are other girls you can count on to be your support through any situation.

girls having fun


Having fun

Another reason why girls’ nights are good for you is the sheer fun of them. You get to talk, eat nice food, drink vine, dress up, play with makeup, dance, and even gossip a little, and talk about your other halves. It’s all healthy and normal, and the whole fun is in those moments. You mostly do it before a night out, and another fun thing is you get to try each other’s boots, dresses, jewelry and it’s like a little, private fashion show. Now, this has other effects that just fun, and it’s reducing stress, and bringing feelings of togetherness, happiness, and acceptance.


Running from problems

Okay, don’t understand this the wrong way, running from problems is never good. However, there are times when you need to clear your mind, and thoughts, and what better way to do it than get together with your girls. Since we often choose friends who are a lot like us, chances are your friends will have the same problems, which is in a way good, because you can help each other out, and exchange experiences. They are your friends through tough times as well, but this is one more reason why we love girls’ nights.


Getting in touch with your feminine side

Moms, working moms, businesswomen, students…those are all the groups of women that live fast-paced lives. And we can all agree that due to too many duties we have found ourselves in a situation where we don’t have enough time to wash our hair, or do our nails. Most of our stronger halves don’t quite understand it, no matter how hard they try. But you know who does? That’s right! Your girlfriends. Organizing a joint spa session, mani-pedi day, facials, or hair appointments lets you feel more feminine with someone who perfectly understands the importance of it. Besides, a pampering day is a great way to connect with them and relax and rest both mentally and physically.


Girls’ night outs are more than just hanging out and gossiping like many think it is. It’s about connecting, creating mutual support, and a healthy environment where you can complain, have fun and laugh, all in one. So, go ahead, and arrange your next girls’ night out!

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