Sleep Apnea – Obesity – Lose Neck Fat

sleep apnea obesity

If you or someone you love has sleep apnea, obesity may be a contributing factor. Maybe you are kept awake by the horrendous snoring, snorting or get worried because sometimes your spouse sounds like they are choking. These are all signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and you should encourage them to go to the doctor or get yourself to the doctor if this is you.

sleep apnea obesity


The way obesity comes into play with sleep apnea is that the fatty tissue that has built up around the neck affects the neck muscles and soft palate and even the little flap in the back of your throat called the uvula and when you go to sleep all the muscles relax and the fatty tissue relaxes also and closes off your airway. This is dangerous because at some point you may just stop breathing altogether.

This is called respiratory failure and it is fatal. This does not happen frequently but it does happen, the best advice you can get is to get the treatment you need so you do not have to worry about it happening to you. Talk to your doctor before it is too late. Sudden death can occur at any time.


The next best piece of advice I can give you about sleep apnea obesity is to lose the excess weight. did you know if you lose just 10% of your total body fat you can decrease the seriousness of your sleep apnea by 30% and it just goes up from there? The more you lose the better off you will be and when you get to your ideal weight or even just meet your weight loss goal you may not have sleep apnea anymore.

How do you know if you have sleep apnea? Well, there are ways to tell that you might if you do not have someone to tell you you snore. Do you ever wake up and your mouth is so dry you feel like you have to pry your tongue from the roof of your mouth with a pry bar? Are you always tired? Do you need more coffee than usual to stay awake during the day? Could be sleep apnea is affecting the quality of your sleep and your life.


If you and your doctor agree that you may have sleep apnea, he or she will refer you to the respiratory care center of the clinic or hospital and get you fitted for a CPAP machine and mask. This will take some getting used to because you will have to wear the mask when you are sleeping. If you also make a lifestyle change and start to lose the weight you probably will not have to use the machine for too long. It all depends on how quickly you can lose weight.

As soon as you lose the weight sleep apnea obesity will be a thing of the past and you can rest easy and get back to a normal way of life.

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Common Eye Injuries

Common Eye Injuries

There are many eye injuries that come in different sizes and shapes, with varying levels of severity. A number of these injuries might require immediate action by an eye doctor, while others may only require simple care at home.

Although no one likes to think about eye injuries, it’s important to know how to react when faced with a small eye injury or an emergency situation. There are guidelines that everyone needs to know in order to have confidence and be ready to handle any routine for eye injuries. Remember that safety precautions will help you avoid eye injuries.

Common Eye Injuries


Most of us think that our home is an unthreatening setting, but a recent survey showed that most respondents mentioned that their eye injury occurred at home – especially in the garage, kitchen or yard. Few people were wearing protected clothing when doing repairs or projects at home. Most of the eye injuries at home are as a result of hazardous chemicals such breaches and cleaners getting in the eye, opening a champagne bottle, cooking food that easily splatters hot oil, and carrying repair work near your face.


Treating Minor Injuries Caused by Debris and Dirt at Home

One of the common injuries that can occur at home is corneal abrasion which is a form of a scratched eye caused by a poke or a scratch on your eye when a piece of sand is inside.

Treating eye Injuries

Determine if it’s a major or minor injury. Minor injuries will include getting dirt or sand in your eye and irritation caused by allergies. For minor eye injuries, you should wash your eyes using warm sterile water in an eye cup. This procedure should be repeated at least three times every ten minutes. The other method to wash out your eyes is by using a showerhead, fountain water or hose. You can bend over to allow the water streams to constantly run through your eyes. If you feel the presence of debris, contact your eye doctor right away.


Treating Eye Allergies and Medium Injury at Home

If your eyes are irritating due to certain allergies, use the right eye drop identified for that allergy to help you soothe the burning and itching. If the effects persist, contact the eye doctor to give you a stronger prescription.

When treating a medium eye injury, you need to cover your eye with a taped patch or eye cup and then call the ophthalmologist. For minor cuts around your eye, apply a clean cloth or sterile bandage and then tape it in that place. If the cut takes a long time to heal or you see other symptoms, contact your eye doctor immediately.


Treating a Blow to Your Eye

To treat a blow to your eye or black eye due to trauma, gently apply a cold compress to the affected eye. This will help to reduce the swelling. Repeat the process at an interval of ten minutes at least four times a day. Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Contact your ophthalmologist if you notice anything abnormal.

Treating Eye at Home


Treating Chemical Burn on Your Eye at Home

Chemical burns are supposed to be treated immediately. These burns can be caused by household cleaners or bleaches splashed into your eyes. You should flush out the chemical from your eyes as much as possible using sterile water or fountain water.

It is important to know learn how to treat common eye injuries at home before you seek professional advice. This will help you to contain the problem before it gets worse. Always contact your physician when you see something abnormal.

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All Eye Drops Are Not Alike

All Eye Drops Are Not Alike

There are many infections that affect different parts of the eye. The most common types of eye infections can be a result of viral, parasitic, bacterial and fungal infections. These infections require different types of eye drops for treatment.

Conjunctivitis is a commonly known type of eye viral infection that is very contagious and it’s often known as “ocular herpes” or “pink eye”. Acanthamoeba is a parasitic infection that is caused by certain parasites found in the soil or water that can invade your eye from a contact surface. Bacterial infections commonly occur after complicated eye surgery or trauma.

All Eye Drops Are Not Alike


Eye drops can be prescribed by the doctor or purchased at the pharmacy. There are many eye drops that are available over the counter depending on what they are going to be used for. However, if you have an eye infection or are experiencing a problem with your vision, it is important to seek a doctor’s advice before buying any eye drops. Serious eye problems require immediate diagnosis and treatments which can only be provided by an eye doctor.

Some eye drops are issued only when the patient has a doctor’s prescription. These types of eye drops are specialized for certain types of eye ailments and most of them are prescribed for glaucoma, bacterial infections or after eye surgery.

Preservatives can be added to the eye drops for the purpose of eradicating any presence of bacteria. People who are either allergic or have sensitive eyes may experience some reactions such as soreness, redness, and irritation due to the preservative. You can also find eye drops that are preservative free and they come in single doses. You only use them once and discard. This type of eye drop is more costly compared to the one with preservative.


Different Kinds of Eye Drops Available

  • Eye drops used for correcting your dry eyes – This condition can occur as a result of many factors such as fatigue, the environment, computer use, and eye surgery. Other causes include the sun, being dehydrated, wind, and the dry atmosphere inside an airplane. A simple relief to this problem is to use lubricating types of eye drops. These types of eye drops will add tear elements in your eyes, helping them to function better.
  • Eye drops used for treating redness – Your eyes can suffer from redness condition due to allergy, infection or tiredness. Before you decide to buy the remedy, you need to see your eye doctor in order to address any underlying problem. This problem can be corrected by the use of decongestant drops. This treatment works by shrinking your blood vessels and making them look whiter.
  • Eye drops used for treating itchiness – Having itchy eyes can be a result of seasonal allergies. The itchiness will make you rub your eyes more, leading to the release of histamine which makes them itchier. Antihistamine eye drops will give you relief.
  • Eye drops used for treating eye infection – If your eyes are producing some discharge or they are crusty, the condition might be caused by an eye infection. Antibiotic eye drops will help to fight eye infection before the problem spreads. These eye drops are available through a prescription issued by the eye doctor.


The kind of eye drop that is best will depend on the condition of your eye. Some of these conditions include itching, swelling, soreness, allergies, infection, dryness, etc. Consult your eye doctor before you decide to buy the eye drops.

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Ideal Ways to Reduce Household Expenses

Ideal Ways to Reduce Household Expenses

Seeing as most people have to work every day to earn a living, people are often looking for ways to end up with more at the end of the month after paying bills. However, between paying rent or mortgages as well as household bills, in some months, this can seem impossible. You should know there is always a way to reduce your expenses, especially if you look in the right place. If you’ve tried to reduce your expenses to no avail, it may be time to increase your income. If you haven’t done all you can, here are ideal ways for you to reduce household expenses.

Ideal Ways to Reduce Household Expenses


Buy Things in Bulk

When looking for ways to reduce your household expenses, start by buying things in bulk. Examples of items that you should buy in bulk are toilet paper, alcohol, school supplies, laundry detergent, and toothpaste.

Also, be careful not to buy just for the sake of buying as you may end up wasting money on things that you don’t need. Make sure the price of buying it in bulk isn’t lower than purchasing the items individually.


Look for Good Deals

Aside from buying things in bulk, it’s also imperative that you look for good deals to reduce costs. There are so many deals and discounts floating around daily waiting to be located by you; here are a few places you can commonly find such discounts:


  • Online: The internet is now a hub to find just about anything – including a good deal. Check on comparison websites as well as the home pages of some of your favorite brands if they’re doing specials or giveaways. If you have a printer at home, you can also save money on cartridge ink by shopping for it online.
  • Print Media: Although digital platforms are becoming more popular, print media is still relevant too. Check in your local paper as well as popular magazines to see if you can find discount codes or coupons that could save you money.
  • Newsletters: If you’ve signed up to some of your favorite stores, you will find they send you emails regularly. They often give special discounts and tell you about any special offers first hand. Be sure to sign up to stores you shop at regularly.


Focus on Needs, Not Wants

It can be tough to save money and reduce your household expenses if you aren’t able to focus on needs as opposed to wants. Although you should have leisure spending somewhere in your budget, be careful not to waste money by impulse spending. To do this, it helps if you don’t carry all of your cards out with you and you block shopping sites on your computer.

Reducing the amount you’re spending on bills and maintaining your home is something you can achieve. It’s all about focusing on managing your finances and being disciplined in how you spend. Hopefully, the tips above help you reduce your expenses moving forward.

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Types of Fasting: Everything You Need to Know

Types of Fasting: Everything You Need to Know

People fast for many different reasons. Some fast for religious reasons, other fast to treat medical conditions, and many fast to cleanse, detoxify, and lose weight. Just as there are many reasons to fast, there are many ways to fast. Some fasting methods are also more suitable for people with certain medical conditions and others tend to be great options to incorporate into specific diets. To learn more about the different types of fasting, continue reading.

Types of Fasting: Everything You Need to Know


What is Fasting?

Fasting is willingly abstaining from food and/or drink for a short period of time. Some fasting methods involve abstaining from all food and drink, while others involve abstaining from certain types of food and drink. Fasting is a common practice in many religions and has been a medical practice for millennia.

These days, fasting is a popular health and weight-loss practice. Many people add fasting to their diet regimen to either make their diet more efficient or to boost health outcomes. Besides popular use, fasting is used in the clinical setting before major surgeries or blood tests.


Benefits of Fasting

According to some studies, fasting affects almost all aspects of health and that it triggers the same biological pathways as calorie restriction. Some of these benefits include:


Weight loss

Fasting can boost weight loss because it leads to eating fewer calories and because it helps lower insulin levels.


Metabolic health

Fasting can improve some aspects of metabolic health such as weight, insulin levels, and blood glucose levels.


Heart health

Fasting can also lower blood pressure, heart rate, triglycerides, and cholesterol, all of which are important for a healthy circulatory system.


Brain health

Fasting can reduce inflammation in the brain, which is linked to neurological conditions like depression. There’s evidence that fasting may even reduce a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and stroke.


Lower cancer risk

Being overweight, having elevated insulin levels, and chronic low-grade inflammation are risk factors for different cancers. Fasting helps address all.

Fasting can also help improve your mood, help you gain more control over your eating habits, make you feel feeling lighter, and help you detox.


Types of Fasting

There are many fasting methods you could use. Which one you should choose depends on the goal you are trying to achieve, your lifestyle, your health, and similar. If you’re not sure what fasting method is best for you, consider trying different fasts and see from the first-hand experience what works best.


Dry Fast

Dry fasting involves abstaining from all food and drink for a short period of time, usually a day or two. It is the most restrictive type of fast there is. Ramadan fasting can be considered a type of half-day dry fast. Most people can dry fast for up to a whole day (24 hours) without experiencing any problems. Fasting more than that can be considered dangerous since it puts you at risk of severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Keep in mind that humans can survive without water for roughly 2 days, depending on the environment.


Water Fast

Unlike dry fasting, water fasting allows for water intake. When water fasting, people abstain from all food as well as beverages that contain calories. Mineral water, unsweetened tea, and lemon water are allowed on water fasts. A study published last year in BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine found that water fasting for two days straight is safe and does not cause serious harm for most people. There’s evidence that this type of fasting can help with hypertension.


Juice Fast

Juice fasting, also known as juice cleansing, is highly popular in online health and wellness communities. These fasts are based on consuming only juices made from fruits and vegetables. Juice fasts can last anywhere from one day to three weeks. The goal of juice fasts is to reduce your calorie intake while trying to maintain an adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and detoxifying antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables used in juice fasts include oranges, lemons, celery, kale, carrots, and spinach. You can make juices for your juice fast in a blender, food processor, or juicer.


Intermittent Fast (IF)

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of fasting and periods of feeding within predetermined time frames. For example, some people use the so-called 16:8 IF, which means that you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour feeding window. This can be done once a week or for several days a week. IF is often used alongside diets like the keto diet and paleo since it seems to boost the benefits of these diets. There’s a growing body of research showing IF is effective for weight loss.


Partial Fast

Partial fasts are the least restrictive type and many have biblical origins. Prophet Daniel spent three weeks abstaining from meat, wine, and lotions for three weeks while mourning. Many Christians follow this example and abstain from foods and activities they’re fond of to comfort or build strength. However, some people do partial fasts for health reasons and abstain from things like meat, wheat, and sweets for a limited time. If you avoid certain foods all the time, then that falls under the definition of diet rather than fast.


Partial fast with calorie restriction

Another type of partial fast involves eating only a very limited number of calories from some foods throughout the day, usually below 500 kcal. Liquid meals are often allowed, and water is encouraged. This type of partial fast is best used for weight loss but it can also help lower blood glucose levels, enhance ketosis, and help with food intake control.


Cleansing Fast

Cleansing fasts are also considered to be detox diets. These fasts rely on drinks infused with cleansing ingredients like lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, herbal tea, herbs, and spices. They may also contain sugars for added calories or non-nutritive sweeteners. The idea behind cleansing fasts is to cleanse the colon of toxins. During cleansing fasts, you’re also not supposed to consume any solid food.


Liquid Protein Fast

These fasts are used for weight loss, especially with obese patients. They help shed a lot of weight over a short span of time. The fast typically involves abstaining from all solid food and caloric drinks. Instead, people are advised to drink shakes fortified with essential vitamins, minerals, and adequate amounts of protein. This fasting method is best when practiced under medical supervision since it can be risky if you don’t know what you are doing.


Be Careful with Fasting

Fasting can be a spiritual practice and it comes with health benefits like a healthier weight, improved glycemic control, and reduced risk of heart disease. There’s even evidence it increases longevity. Fasting for one to two days a week shouldn’t pose any problems but fasting excessively is more akin to starvation and disordered eating. So, make sure you use fasting with care and speak to your doctor if you have any health concerns with regards to fasting. If you feel like you can fast safely, consider some of the fasting methods described here.

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